Rutgers vs Virginia (08/26/23)


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
Rutgers vs Virginia
(08/26/23 at Charlottesville, VA)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
2   Chitty, Madyson   .000  23  .217  17  .941  16  14  .875 
3   Dyrstad, Kenzie   .000  .000  .000  10  1.000 
4   Williams, Rikki   21  .143  .000  .000  1.000 
5   Nayar, Alyssa   .333  35  122  .287  22  .909  14  1.000 
8   Visintine, Lexi   -.500  .667  .778  13  .867 
12  Humphrey, Taylor   31  -.065  .250  12  1.000  17  .944 
14  Hartman, Anna   13  -.154  .000  .000  11  1.000 
16  Grkovic, Tina   27  .259  .000  16  .750  .000 
20  Williams, Bekah   12  29  .276  .000  10  1.000  18  .900 
22  Kinkela, Alissa   14  34  .265  .000  21  .857  1.000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  48  26  162  .136  43  169  .254  12  107  .888  59  19  88  .917 
Set  TA  Pct 
11  44  .136 
14  31  .290 
24  -.042 
13  28  .357 
35  -.057 
Rutgers   (3)  24  25  17  25  16     2-0,0-0 Big Ten  
Virginia   (2)  26  22  25  20  14     1-1,0-0 ACC  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
1   Meredith Reeg   .000  .000  11  .818  1.000 
2   Brooklyn Borum   -.400  .000  1.000  .875 
3   Abby Tadder   17  36  .306  .000  .000  .000 
5   Ashley Le   15  .067  46  131  .351  21  .952  24  .000 
6   Milan Gomillion   .000  20  .350  14  1.000  21  13  1.000 
8   Kate Johnson   .000  .333  13  .923  16  .941 
9   Ciera Hecht   12  36  -.111  .143  18  .833  34  1.000 
12  GG Carvacho   -1.000  .000  .000  .000 
16  Veresia Yon   12  27  .296  .000  1.000  .000 
17  Heyli Velasquez   .000  1.000  .000  10  .909 
20  Chloe Wilson   21  .143  .000  .000  1.000 
23  Regan Trueblood   .000  .000  1.000  .000 
24  Madison Morey   .000  .000  .889  .000 
33  Lauryn Bowie   27  .148  .000  11  .727  .750 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  59  39  168  .119  56  175  .320  11  107  .897  75  18  90  .947 
Set  TA  Pct 
18  50  .200 
12  29  .207 
13  25  .320 
12  34  .088 
11  30  -.233 
    Site: Charlottesville, VA (Memorial Gymnasium)
Date: 08/26/23 Attend: 446 Time: 2:36


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Rutgers vs Virginia
(08/26/23 at Charlottesville, VA)

1st Set

For RUT: Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina; Kinkela, Alissa; Williams, Rikki; Visintine, Lexi; Humphrey, Taylor; libero Chitty, Madyson.
For VA: Ciera Hecht; Veresia Yon; Abby Tadder; Ashley Le; Kate Johnson; Lauryn Bowie; libero Milan Gomillion.
0-1Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Humphrey, Taylor.
1-1Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
1-2Point RUT - (Veresia Yon) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
For RUT: Hartman, Anna.
1-3Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).
2-3Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Chloe Wilson.
3-3Point VA - (Ashley Le) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le), block error by Nayar, Alyssa.
3-4Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Attack error by Lauryn
3-5Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Attack error by Abby Tadder.
4-5Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Milan Gomillion).so
5-5Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
6-5Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Service ace (Humphrey, Taylor).
7-5Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Attack error by Humphrey, Taylor.
7-6Point RUT - (Lauryn Bowie) Service
For VA: Heyli Velasquez.
8-6Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Grkovic,
For RUT: Dyrstad, Kenzie.
9-6Point VA - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Heyli Velasquez).
10-6Point VA - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).
Timeout Rutgers.
10-7Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
10-8Point RUT - (Visintine, Lexi) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Grkovic, Tina; Nayar, Alyssa).
11-8Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Service
12-8Point VA - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Ashley Le (from Milan Gomillion).
13-8Point VA - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Humphrey, Taylor.
14-8Point VA - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).
14-9Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Service
15-9Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Ashley Le (from Kate Johnson).so
16-9Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Lauryn Bowie.
16-10Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Nayar, Alyssa (from Visintine, Lexi), block error by Ashley
16-11Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).
16-12Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Bad set by Veresia Yon.
16-13Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Attack error by Lauryn Bowie.
Timeout Virginia.
16-14Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Humphrey, Taylor (from Chitty, Madyson).
17-14Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Service
For VA: Madison Morey.
17-15Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Service
17-16Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Attack error by Lauryn Bowie.
17-17Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Attack error by Lauryn Bowie (block by Williams, Rikki; Kinkela, Alissa).
18-17Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
19-17Point VA - (Ashley Le) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
19-18Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Chitty, Madyson), block error by Abby
20-18Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Milan Gomillion).so
20-19Point RUT - (Lauryn Bowie) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa), block error by Abby
20-20Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Abby Tadder (block by Grkovic, Tina).
21-20Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Ashley Le).so
22-20Point VA - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Hartman, Anna (block by Veresia Yon; Chloe Wilson).
Timeout Rutgers.
22-21Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Grkovic,
23-21Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Attack error by Humphrey,
23-22Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Ashley
23-23Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Bad set by Ashley Le.
24-23Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).so
24-24Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Humphrey, Taylor (from Chitty, Madyson).so
25-24Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
26-24Point VA - (Madison Morey) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).

2nd Set

For RUT: Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina; Kinkela, Alissa; Williams, Rikki; Visintine, Lexi; Humphrey, Taylor; libero Dyrstad, Kenzie.
For VA: Ciera Hecht; Veresia Yon; Madison Morey; Chloe Wilson; Abby Tadder; Ashley Le; libero Heyli Velasquez.
For VA: Brooklyn Borum.
0-1Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Service
For RUT: Hartman, Anna.
1-1Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Brooklyn Borum (from Ashley Le).so
1-2Point RUT - (Veresia Yon) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
2-2Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Bad set by Nayar,
For VA: Chloe Wilson.
2-3Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Grkovic, Tina).so
2-4Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Brooklyn Borum.
3-4Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Ashley Le).so
For RUT: Dyrstad, Kenzie.
4-4Point VA - (Brooklyn Borum) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
5-4Point VA - (Brooklyn Borum) Service ace (Chitty, Madyson).
5-5Point RUT - (Brooklyn Borum) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
6-5Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Attack error by Humphrey,
7-5Point VA - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Humphrey, Taylor.
For RUT: Williams, Bekah.
7-6Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
7-7Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Service ace (Brooklyn Borum).
7-8Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Attack error by Veresia Yon (block by Williams, Rikki).
7-9Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Williams, Rikki (from Nayar, Alyssa).
7-10Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Visintine, Lexi).
Timeout Virginia.
8-10Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Service
For VA: Meredith Reeg.
9-10Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Attack error by Williams, Rikki.
10-10Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le), block error by Nayar, Alyssa.
10-11Point RUT - (Meredith Reeg) Service
10-12Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Williams, Rikki (from Nayar, Alyssa).
11-12Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Milan Gomillion).so
11-13Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Service
12-13Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Madison Morey.
13-13Point VA - (Madison Morey) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
13-14Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Kill by Williams, Rikki (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
13-15Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Chitty, Madyson).
13-16Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Attack error by Brooklyn Borum.
14-16Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
15-16Point VA - (Ashley Le) Attack error by Kinkela, Alissa.
15-17Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
15-18Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Brooklyn Borum.
16-18Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
17-18Point VA - (Brooklyn Borum) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Milan Gomillion).
17-19Point RUT - (Brooklyn Borum) Kill by Hartman, Anna (from Chitty, Madyson).so
18-19Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
18-20Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
For VA: Heyli Velasquez.
18-21Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Service ace (Heyli Velasquez).
Timeout Virginia.
18-22Point RUT - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Williams, Rikki.
19-22Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Service
20-22Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Attack error by Visintine, Lexi.
20-23Point RUT - (Meredith Reeg) Kill by Williams,
20-24Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Attack error by Veresia Yon (block by Williams, Rikki; Williams, Bekah).
21-24Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
22-24Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Service ace (Williams, Bekah).
For VA: Regan Trueblood; GG Carvacho.
22-25Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so

3rd Set

For RUT: Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina; Kinkela, Alissa; Williams, Rikki; Visintine, Lexi; Humphrey, Taylor; libero Williams, Bekah.
For VA: Regan Trueblood; Ciera Hecht; Veresia Yon; Madison Morey; Chloe Wilson; GG Carvacho; libero Brooklyn Borum.
For VA: Lauryn Bowie.
0-1Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Service ace (Kate Johnson).
1-1Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Chloe Wilson.
2-1Point VA - (Ashley Le) Service ace (Visintine, Lexi).
2-2Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
For RUT: Hartman, Anna.
3-2Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Attack error by Kinkela,
4-2Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Attack error by Kinkela, Alissa.
5-2Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Ashley Le).
6-2Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Attack error by Hartman, Anna (block by Chloe Wilson; Abby Tadder).
6-3Point RUT - (Lauryn Bowie) Service
For VA: Heyli Velasquez.
7-3Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Ashley Le).so
8-3Point VA - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Kinkela, Alissa.
Timeout Rutgers.
8-4Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
8-5Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Chloe Wilson.
9-5Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Ashley Le).so
For RUT: Dyrstad, Kenzie.
9-6Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Ciera
9-7Point RUT - (Visintine, Lexi) Attack error by Ciera Hecht.
9-8Point RUT - (Visintine, Lexi) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Grkovic, Tina; Nayar, Alyssa).
10-8Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Service
11-8Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Milan Gomillion).
12-8Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Attack error by Visintine, Lexi.
12-9Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
13-9Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Attack error by Williams, Rikki (block by Lauryn Bowie; Veresia Yon).so
For VA: Madison Morey.
13-10Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
13-11Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Service ace (TEAM).
14-11Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
14-12Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
15-12Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Attack error by Hartman, Anna (block by Abby Tadder; Chloe Wilson).so
16-12Point VA - (Lauryn Bowie) Service ace (Williams, Bekah).
16-13Point RUT - (Lauryn Bowie) Service
17-13Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).so
17-14Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
17-15Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Ball handling error by Veresia Yon.
18-15Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Ashley Le).so
19-15Point VA - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).
19-16Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Ciera
20-16Point VA - (Visintine, Lexi) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
21-16Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Ashley Le.
Timeout Rutgers.
22-16Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Ashley Le (from Ciera Hecht), block error by Grkovic, Tina.
23-16Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Service ace (TEAM).
23-17Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Service
24-17Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Ashley Le).so
25-17Point VA - (Madison Morey) Service ace (Visintine, Lexi).

4th Set

==================== ==================== VIRGINIA 2, RUTGERS 3 ====================
For RUT: Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina; Kinkela, Alissa; Williams, Rikki; Visintine, Lexi; Williams, Bekah; libero Dyrstad, Kenzie.
For VA: Ciera Hecht; Veresia Yon; Madison Morey; Chloe Wilson; Abby Tadder; Ashley Le; libero Heyli Velasquez.
For VA: Meredith Reeg.
For RUT: Humphrey, Taylor.
1-0Point VA - (Veresia Yon) Attack error by Williams, Bekah (block by Abby Tadder; Ashley Le).
1-1Point RUT - (Veresia Yon) Kill by Williams, Rikki (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
2-1Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Chloe Wilson.
3-1Point VA - (Ashley Le) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
4-1Point VA - (Ashley Le) Service ace (Chitty, Madyson).
5-1Point VA - (Ashley Le) Kill by Chloe Wilson (from Milan Gomillion).
5-2Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Service
6-2Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Kate Johnson.
6-3Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
6-4Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Grkovic, Tina; Nayar, Alyssa).
6-5Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Chloe Wilson.
7-5Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Service
For RUT: Dyrstad, Kenzie.
7-6Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Veresia
8-6Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
9-6Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Attack error by Williams, Bekah (block by Ashley Le; Veresia Yon).
9-7Point RUT - (Meredith Reeg) Attack error by Ciera
10-7Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Service
10-8Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
11-8Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Madison Morey.
11-9Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Kill by Williams, Rikki (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
11-10Point RUT - (Williams, Bekah) Attack error by Abby Tadder.
11-11Point RUT - (Williams, Bekah) Attack error by Lauryn Bowie.
12-11Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
12-12Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
12-13Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Service ace (Lauryn Bowie).
13-13Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Ashley Le).so
13-14Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
13-15Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Kill by Humphrey, Taylor.
13-16Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Abby Tadder (block by Grkovic, Tina).
14-16Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Service
14-17Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Chloe Wilson (block by Humphrey, Taylor; Grkovic, Tina).so
14-18Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Grkovic, Tina (from Nayar, Alyssa).
Timeout Virginia.
15-18Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).so
15-19Point RUT - (Meredith Reeg) Service
16-19Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Service
17-19Point VA - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Lauryn Bowie.
17-20Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
17-21Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).
18-21Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Attack error by Williams, Rikki (block by Veresia Yon; Lauryn Bowie).so
18-22Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
19-22Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).so
20-22Point VA - (Ashley Le) Kill by Abby Tadder (from Ashley Le).
Timeout Rutgers.
20-23Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Humphrey, Taylor (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
20-24Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Attack error by Abby Tadder.
Timeout Virginia.
20-25Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).

5th Set

==================== ==================== VIRGINIA 2, RUTGERS 3 ====================
For RUT: Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina; Kinkela, Alissa; Williams, Rikki; Humphrey, Taylor; Williams, Bekah; libero Dyrstad, Kenzie.
For VA: Ciera Hecht; Veresia Yon; Madison Morey; Chloe Wilson; Abby Tadder; Ashley Le; libero Kate Johnson.
1-0Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Service
For VA: Chloe Wilson.
1-1Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
2-1Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Attack error by Humphrey,
For VA: Kate Johnson.
3-1Point VA - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Williams, Rikki.
3-2Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Kill by Kinkela, Alissa (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
4-2Point VA - (Chitty, Madyson) Service
4-3Point RUT - (Milan Gomillion) Attack error by Chloe
4-4Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Chloe Wilson.
4-5Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Ashley Le.
4-6Point RUT - (Kinkela, Alissa) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Grkovic, Tina; Nayar, Alyssa).
Timeout Virginia.
5-6Point VA - (Kinkela, Alissa) Service
For RUT: Dyrstad, Kenzie.
6-6Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Attack error by Humphrey, Taylor (block by Veresia Yon; Ashley Le).
7-6Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Kill by Ciera Hecht (from Ashley Le).
8-6Point VA - (Meredith Reeg) Bad set by Grkovic, Tina.
For VA: GG Carvacho; Regan Trueblood.
8-7Point RUT - (Regan Trueblood) Attack error by GG Carvacho (block by Grkovic, Tina; Humphrey, Taylor).so
8-8Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Attack error by Veresia Yon (block by Grkovic, Tina; Williams, Bekah).
8-9Point RUT - (Humphrey, Taylor) Attack error by Ciera Hecht (block by Nayar, Alyssa; Grkovic, Tina).
9-9Point VA - (Humphrey, Taylor) Kill by Veresia Yon (from Ashley Le).so
9-10Point RUT - (Ciera Hecht) Attack error by Ashley Le (block by Nayar, Alyssa).so
10-10Point VA - (Grkovic, Tina) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Ashley Le).so
For VA: Madison Morey.
10-11Point RUT - (Madison Morey) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Nayar, Alyssa).so
10-12Point RUT - (Nayar, Alyssa) Attack error by Ciera Hecht.
11-12Point VA - (Nayar, Alyssa) Attack error by Williams,
12-12Point VA - (Ashley Le) Attack error by Kinkela, Alissa (block by Lauryn Bowie).
Timeout Rutgers.
13-12Point VA - (Ashley Le) Attack error by Williams, Bekah (block by Abby Tadder; Ashley Le).
13-13Point RUT - (Ashley Le) Kill by Williams, Bekah (from Humphrey, Taylor).so
14-13Point VA - (Williams, Bekah) Kill by Lauryn Bowie (from Ashley Le).so
14-14Point RUT - (Kate Johnson) Attack error by Abby
14-15Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Bad set by Ashley Le.
Timeout Virginia.
14-16Point RUT - (Chitty, Madyson) Attack error by Ciera Hecht.